Slime Rancher 2 Coming to PS5


It’s official – Slime Rancher 2 is coming to PlayStation this summer! The game will be available on the PS5 and will include all previous and future content updates leading up to the game’s full release. That includes the same mechanized gadget chaos, lush rainbow visuals, and wiggly slime shenanigans as other platforms.

Players can pre-order the game today and play early on June 7th at 10AM PDT. General access opens up to players on June 11th at 10AM PDT. 

As we mentioned in our last blog post, Slime Toys are making a comeback in our next update. PlayStation players will receive the exclusive in-game item, Glo Glo Penguino, whether or not you pre-order. Soothe agitated slimes with this adorable new toy!

Pre-order Slime Rancher 2 here:

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